Legal terms, GTU, Privacy policy and Cookies policy
1. Legal Terms
2. Cookies Policy
3. Privacy Policy
4. GTU
1 - Legal terms
This website (hereinafter the "Website") is the property of the company GL EVENTS EXHIBITIONS,
a simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of €260,000,000.00, whose registered office is located at 59 QUAI RAMBAUD, 69002 LYON, registered in the Lyon Trade and Companies Register under number 879 428 258, represented by Mr. Philippe PASQUET, acting and vested with the necessary powers as President.
The VAT number is FR22 879 428 258.
The website is hosted by:
Microsoft Azure France (Western Europe Region)
Microsoft France
37 Quai du Président Roosevelt
Design and development:
GL events
2 - Cookies Policy
This section tells you more about the origin and use of the browsing information processed when you visit our website and your rights.
This Policy is therefore important for you, who wish to have a positive and trustful experience of our services and for us, who wish to accurately and completely answer your questions about your visit to our website and take into account your wishes. When consulting our website, information relating to the browsing of your Device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.), may be registered in "Cookies" files placed on your Device, depending on the choices that you would have expressed about Cookies and that you can change at any time.
1. The Cookies we place on our website
When you log on to our website, we may, subject to your choice, place various cookies on your Device which allow us to recognise the browser of your Device during the validity of the relevant Cookie.
Cookies that we place are used for the purposes described below, subject to your choices that result from the settings of your browser software used during your visit to our website. Only the placer of a Cookie can read or modify information contained in it.
The cookies that we place allow us:
- to generate statistics and volumes of visits and use of the various elements of our website (headings and contents visited, routes), which help us to improve the relevance and ergonomy of our services;
- to calculate the total number of advertisements posted by us on our advertising spaces, to identify these advertisements, their number of respective postings, the number of users who clicked on each advertisement and, if applicable, the subsequent actions carried out by these users on the pages to which these advertisements lead, in order to calculate the sums due to the advertising broadcast chain (communication agency, advertising agency, website/ broadcast medium) and to generate statistics;
- to adapt the presentation of our website to the display preferences of your Device (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your visits to our website, according to the viewing or reading hardware and software of your Device;
- to adapt our advertising spaces to the display preferences of your Device (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your visits to our website, according to the viewing and reading hardware and software of your Device;
- to store information about a form you have completed on our website (registration or access to an account) or products, services or information you have chosen on our website (subscribed service, etc.) and allow you access to reserved and personal areas of our website, such as your account, using usernames or data that you possibly have previously entrusted to us;
- to implement security measures, e.g. when you are asked to log in again to a content or service after a certain time.
2. Cookies placed on our website by third parties
Cookies may be included in the advertising space of our website.
These advertising spaces display advertising content from Advertisers on your Device. These spaces contribute to the funding of the content and services that we make available to you.
Placing and using cookies by third parties is subject to the privacy policies of those third parties.
We inform you about the purpose of Cookies of which we are aware and the means you have available to make choices with regard to Cookies.
We may include third-party computer applications on our website that allow you to share content from our website with other people or to let other people know about your visit or opinion regarding content on our website. That is the case for the buttons « Share », « Like», from social media like « Facebook » « Twitter », « LinkedIn », « Viadeo », etc.
The social medium providing such an application button is likely to identify you with this button, even if you have not used the button during your visit to our website.
This type of application button can allow the social media concerned to follow your browsing on our website, just because your account to the social media concerned was activated on your Device (open session) during your visit to our website.
We have no control over the process used by social media to collect information relating to your visit to our website and associated with the Personal Data they hold.
We suggest you consult the privacy policies of these social media to find out the purpose of use, including advertising, of browsing information they can collect through these application buttons. These protection policies must in particular enable you to exercise your choices with these social media, in particular by the setting of your user accounts for each of these social media.
The advertising content (graphics, animations, videos, etc.) distributed in our advertising spaces may contain Cookies issued by third parties: either the Advertiser at the origin of the advertising content concerned, or a third party to the Advertiser (communication consultancy agency, audience measurement company, Targeted Advertising Provider, etc.) which has linked a Cookie to the advertising content of an Advertiser.
Where applicable, Cookies placed by these third parties can enable them, during the Cookies validity period:
- to calculate the number of displays of advertising content distributed through our advertising space, to identify the advertisements thus displayed, the number of users who clicked on each advertisement, allowing them to calculate the sums due as a result and to generate statistics;
- to collect browsing information of the devices that visit our website;
- to recognise your Device during its subsequent browsing on any other website or service on which these Advertisers or third parties also place Cookies and, where applicable, to adapt these websites and third-party services or the advertisements they broadcast to the browsing of your Device that they can know.
The advertising space of our website may be exploited by one or more external Advertising Agency(/ies) and, where applicable, to contain Cookies placed by one of them.
Where applicable, Cookies issued by these external Advertising Agencies allow them, during the Cookies validity period:
to calculate the total number of advertisements posted by us on our advertising spaces, to identify these advertisements, their number of respective postings, the number of users who clicked on each advertisement and, if applicable, the subsequent actions carried out by these users on the pages to which these advertisements lead, in order to calculate the sums due to the advertising broadcast chain (communication agency, advertising agency, website/ broadcast medium) and to generate statistics;
- to adapt the advertising spaces they operate to the display preferences of your Device (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) according to the viewing and reading hardware and software that your Device has;
- to adapt the advertising content displayed on your Device through our advertising spaces according to the browsing of your Device on our website;
- to adapt the advertising content displayed on your Device through our advertising spaces according to the previous or subsequent browsing of your Device on websites of third parties in which the Agency concerned also places Cookies, provided that these Cookies have been registered in your Device in accordance with the choices you have made with respect to this Agency;
- to adapt the advertising content displayed on your Device through our advertising spaces according to the location data (longitude and latitude) transmitted by your Device with your prior consent;
- to adapt the advertising content displayed on your Device in our advertising space according to the Personal Data that you could have provided to this Advertising Agency.
You have several possibilities to manage Cookies. Any setting you make may change your Internet Browsing and your access to specific services that require the use of Cookies.
You can choose at any time to express and modify your wishes regarding Cookies, as described below.
You can configure your browser software in such a way that Cookies are saved in your device or, conversely, they are rejected, either systematically or depending on who placed them.
You can also configure your browsing software in such a way that the acceptance or rejection of Cookies is offered to you every time before a Cookie can be stored in your Device.
The storage of a Cookie in a Device essentially depends on the wishes of the user of the Device, that he/she can express and modify at any time and free of charge through the choices offered by the browser software.
If you have accepted the storage of Cookies in your Device in your Device, Cookies embedded in the pages and contents you have viewed may be stored temporarily in a dedicated area of your Device. Only their issuer will be able to read them.
If you reject the registration of Cookies in your Device, or if you delete those registered, you will not be able to benefit from a some functionalities which are necessary to access certain spaces of our website.
This would be the case if you were trying to access our content or services that require you to log in. This would also be the case if we - or our service providers - cannot recognise, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by your Device, its language and display settings or the country from which your Device appears to be connected to the Internet.
As applicable, we accept no liability for the consequences of the poor functioning of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to register or consult the necessary Cookies to their operation and that you could have refused or deleted.
The configuration of each browser is different for the management of Cookies and your choices. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will inform you how to change your wishes for Cookies.
For Internet ExplorerTM :
For SafariTM :
For ChromeTM :
For FirefoxTM :
For OperaTM :
iv. Matomo's cookies
2. The « Flash » Cookies of « Adobe Flash PlayerTM »
"Adobe Flash PlayerTM" is a computer application for the fast development of dynamic content using the "Flash" computer language.
Flash (and similar applications) memorises the settings, preferences, and use of those contents through technology similar to Cookies. However, " Adobe Flash PlayerTM " manages this information and your choices through a different interface from that provided by your browser software.
As your Device may view content developed with the Flash language, access your Flash Cookies management tools, from the website
3. Your choices expressed online on inter professional platforms
You can log on to the website, provided by the digital advertising professionals joined in the European association EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France.
Thus you can know the Company registered to this platform which offer you the possibility of rejecting or accepting the Cookies used by these companies to adapt the advertisements that may be displayed on your Device to your browsing information:
This European platform is shared by hundreds of online advertising professionals and is a centralised interface where you can reject or accept Cookies likely to be used to adapt the advertisements that may be displayed there to the browsing of your Device. Note that this procedure will not prevent the display of advertisements on the websites you visit.
It will only block technologies that make it possible to tailor advertisements to your interests.
The purpose is to show you the most relevant advertisements possible.
For that purpose, Cookies technology makes it possible to determine which advertisement to display to a Device in real time, according to recent browsing on one or several websites.
Your interest in the advertising content displayed on your Device when you visit a website often determines the advertising resources of the latter to exploit its services, often provided to users free of charge. You probably prefer to see advertisements that match your interests rather than advertisements that are completely irrelevant to you. Similarly, Advertisers who wish to see their advertisements distributed, are interested in posting their offers to users who may be most interested in them.
If your Device is used by more than one person and if the same Device has more than one browsing software, we cannot be sure that the services and advertisements intended for your Device correspond to your own use of this Device and not to that of another user of the Device.
Sharing the use of your Device with others and configuring your browser settings for Cookies is your free choice and responsibility.
« Cookie(s) » : a text file that can be registered, subject to your choice, in a dedicated space on your Device's hard drive, when consulting an online service using your browser software. A Cookie file allows to identify the Device in which it is registered, for the period of validity or registration of the Cookie.
« Browsing Information »: the information relating to the connection of a Device to an electronic communication service at a given time. We may process Browsing Information under the terms and conditions in this document, even if we do not necessarily know which Device you are using, or who you are at a given time.
This browsing information concerns, in particular:
- Internet Protocol (IP) address of the Device connected to the Internet;
- the date and time of connection of a Device to an electronic communication service;
- the address of the provenance webpage ("referrer") of the Device accessing an electronic communication service;
- the type of operating system used by the Device (Windows, MacOs, Linux, Unix, BeOS, etc.);
- the type and version of the browser software used by a Device (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc.);
- the language of use of the browsing software used by the Device, the ID and the contents of a Cookie file stored by us in the Device.
« Personal Data » : data that relates to you alone at a given time, regardless of which Device you are using.
« Device » : the hardware equipment (computer, tablet, smartphone, phone, etc.) that you use to visit or view a website, application, advertising content, etc.
« Advertiser » : generally any company or organisation that uses various communication methods to promote its reputation, image, products or services.
« Advertising agency » : the entity or company in charge of marketing advertising space on behalf of one or more Broadcasters: publishers of websites, mobile applications, etc.
The Agencies may:
- design profitable advertising offers for the Broadcaster and for themselves and of increased effectiveness for the Advertiser;
- implement technological solutions and partnerships to collect information related to the browsing and/or the localisation of a single Device (computer, smartphone) on one or several thousand advertising media (websites, mobile service platforms, mobile applications) of which they are the direct or indirect intermediaries.
« Broadcaster» : the editing medium of a content (website, mobile website or mobile application), which has advertising space that it seeks to remunerate under the best possible financial and ergonomic conditions, by inserting advertising content, to finance its activities, in particular the publishing of services and content or information (example: online press).
To promote its advertising space and obtain better income from them, the Broadcaster must be able to justify an audience to supply its spaces with advertising content adapted to that audience.
It can rely on one or more advertising agencies to promote its spaces. If necessary, these Advertising Agencies are required to implement counting devices in the advertising space they market to Advertisers, and, if they have them, devices for adapting the advertising content they will display or broadcast on the Broadcaster's website.
"Targeted Advertising Provider": a company that uses technologies -including Cookies and/or probability or appetence calculation algorithms- to assist an Advertising Agency, an Advertiser or a communication consultancy agency, in the determination of the advertisement that appears most suitable for the Device browsing Information or the Personal Data relating to a user, according to the information that it processes or is made available by one of these players.
« Targeted Advertising » : ability to adapt advertising content to Browsing information or Personal Data.
"Behavioural Advertising": the advertising which consists of deducing the supposed interests of the users from information relating to the Browsing of their Device on one or more services, to display specifically adapted advertisements to them, supposed to interest them more than other advertisements.
The implementation of this type of advertising depends, on the one hand, on the technologies used and the players who implement them, and on the other hand, the availability or not of a "connection indicator" of a Device ("Cookie" file, for example) and the possibility or not to share such a "witness" with third parties.
"Personalised Advertising": the advertisement chosen according to the known characteristics of the user (age, gender, contact details, etc.) and which he/she has entered, for example by registering for a service.
The implementation of this form of targeted advertising may result either from declarative information provided by a user but insufficient to identify him/her (age, gender, tastes, interests) or from personal data processing. In the latter case, it must be apprehended in light of the regulations on the protection of Personal Data, by informing Internet users, when they provide Personal Data about themselves, about the purposes of its processing, including the adaptation of advertising content likely to be displayed to them.
3- Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to all companies of the pole Exhibitions of the GL events Group.
The GL events Group is very concerned about the protection of your personal data and undertakes to collect and process your personal data in accordance with amended law no. 78-17 of the 6th of January 1978 and (EU) regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of the 27th of April 2016 (GDPR).
“We” and “Our” mean or are associated with the data controller (for further details, refer to the section entitled Who is the data controller?).
The companies of the pole Exhibitions of the GL events Group, which may be data controller for the processing carried out on your personal data, are: GL events Exhibitions Opérations SA and GL events Exhibitions Industrie SAS.
In order to determine precisely which entity or entities is or are the data controller(s), simply look at:
- the corporate name of the company which is designated, in the legal terms of the website you come from or you are visiting, as publisher of the website;
- the corporate name of the company with which you are in contact (this corporate name is indicated in the legal notices contained in the email or emails which you receive from the companies in the GL events Group or in the contract or contracts which you may have entered into with one of the companies in the GL events Group).
We collect personal data either directly through you, or automatically on our websites or mobile applications, or indirectly.
You may have to communicate your personal data to us directly when:
We have a contractual or precontractual relationship (for example: you have participated to one of our contest);
- You have created an account on one of our website or mobile application;
- You make a contact request;
- You subscribe to our newsletter;
- You request one of our catalogue;
- You take part to a survey;
- You fill in your data in one of the contact forms on this website.
In this context, the categories of personal data liable to be collected are as follows:
- Personal data concerning your identification (surname, first name, user name, nationality, date of birth, geographical location, etc.)
- Personal contact data (postal address, email address, telephone number, etc.)
- Data concerning your personal/professional life (interests, preferences, company, position occupied, etc.)
- Economic and financial data (means of payment, etc.)
We automatically collect some of your personal data when you browse on our websites or mobile applications.
We thus collect certain data concerning your connection and browsing (IP address, date and time of connection, pages visited, operating system, type of browser you are using, the link through which you arrived on our websites, etc.).
These data are collected via cookies placed on our websites. For further details, please refer to our cookie policy.
Lastly, we may collect your personal data via social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.). This applies in particular when you use these social media via the Site by clicking on the social media icons for example.
If you do not want your personal data to be collected via social media when you click on dedicated icons, you must refer to the confidentiality/personal data/cookie policies of the social media concerned.
We may collect your personal data via partners or other trusted third-parties.
We make sure that these partners or other trusted third-parties only communicate to us the personal data that you have consented to share with us for commercial prospection purposes.
In this context, the categories of personal data liable to be collected are as follows:
- Personal data concerning your identification (surname, first name, user name, nationality, date of birth, geographical location, etc.)
- Personal contact data (postal address, email address, telephone number, etc.)
- Data concerning your personal/professional life (interests, preferences, company, position occupied, etc.)
- Economic and financial data (means of payment, etc.)
Your personal data are processed or are liable to be processed for the following purposes:
1. The contractual or precontractual relationship management and follow-up
- Processing of quotation and participation request
- Processing of orders
- Billing
- Delinquency management and dispute
- Management of Exhibitor’s stand
2. Use, development and management of our customer/prospect databases
- Sending newsletters
- Commercial prospecting
- Processing requests to exercise your rights
- Managing contact requests
- The organization of contests
- The management of registration
- The management of contact request
- The organization of business meetings
3. Improving our services and personalising our services for you
- Compiling statistics
- Conducting satisfaction surveys
- Managing subscriptions to newsletters / e-newsletters
- Etc.
4. Complying with legal obligations
We process your personal data only when the processing envisaged can be justified on one of the following four (4) legal grounds:
I. Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are party or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract
This is the case when we process your personal data for the following purposes: management of your orders, management of your quotation request, when you participate to a contest…
II. Processing is necessary to meet a legal obligation
III. Processing constitutes a legitimate interest for us
In cases in which we have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data, we take care not to act against your interests or in breach of your fundamental rights and freedoms.
In addition, we take care to guarantee you the possibility, at the time of the collection of your data and subsequently, of opposing the processing your personal data, justified by a legitimate interest, if the purposes of this processing concern commercial prospecting.
If you are an individual, we have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data when:
- You are one of our customers or prospects and we wish to send you communications and carry out commercial prospecting for similar products or services that you have already purchased from us
Legitimate interest: the exploitation, development and management of the customer/prospect database - You are one of our customers or prospects (for example, you have subscribed to our newsletter) and we wish to carry out internal analyses.
- You make a contact request.
Legitimate interest: management of our customers/prospects’ requests.
If you are a professional, we have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data when:
- You are one of our customers or prospects and we wish to send you communications and carry out commercial prospecting for any product or service and/or we wish to carry out internal analyses.
Legitimate interest: use of our commercial database. - You make a contact request.
Legitimate interest: management of our customers/prospects’ requests.
IV. You have consented to the processing carried out on your personal data.
If you are an individual:
- You are one of our customers and we wish to send you communications and carry out commercial prospecting for non-similar products or services that you have already purchased from us
Legitimate interest: the exploitation, development and management of the customer/prospect database - You are one of our prospects (for example, you have subscribed to our newsletter) and we wish to carry out commercial prospecting for our products or services.
- You are one of our clients or prospects and we wish to send you communications of our partners.
- We wish to transfer your personal data to partners or trusted third parties.
If you are a professional, this is the case when we wish to transfer your personal data to partners or trusted third parties.
The personal data which you must imperatively communicate to us are identified by asterisks in our data collection forms or identified as such.
If you choose not to communicate the abovementioned personal data to us, we will be unable to provide you the service you asked for (contact request, processing of a purchase order…)
The recipients of your personal data are the departments concerned of the data controller (refer to the section entitled Who is the data controller? for further details).
Our partners are also liable to receive your personal data if you have agreed to this.
The organisers of the trade fairs can make a badge scan service available to visitors on the stands, allowing them to easily download all information provided by exhibitors equipped with this system by a simple contact of their badge on Touchpoint terminal.
The visitor is expressly informed and, as such, is deemed to expressly accept that a part of its personal data (corporate name, last name, first name, mailing address, email, phone and mobile number) will be shared with the exhibitor for which one the badge scan service has been used by the visitor, notwithstanding the fact that the visitor had, at the time of registration or pre-registration, refused to share its personal data with partners.
We are also liable to use trusted third parties such as IT service providers, who may then be recipients of your personal data.
Lastly, we may also have to share your data with subsidiaries of the GL events Group, either because you have agreed to this or because this is necessary to meet your request.
Some of these trusted third parties and subsidiaries of the GL events Group may be located outside the European Union. When necessary, appropriate guarantees have been provided, particularly through the introduction of standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission.
We keep your personal data:
- for the time necessary for the operations for which they were collected, in accordance with the current legislation and regulation;
- when we carry out commercial prospecting, for a maximum period of five years starting from the last effective contact with the prospect/customer, apart from exceptions justified by a particular context (for example: a biennial tradeshow);
- for the time required to meet legal obligations. For examples:
- Contracts and agreements concluded in the framework of a commercial relationship are kept during the commercial relationship and 5 years after the end of the commercial relationship
- Contracts concluded by electronic means are kept 10 years as from delivery or performance of the services
- Etc…
You have a right to access, correct and delete data concerning you, a right to limit the processing carried out on your data, a right to the portability of your data and the right to define general and specific guidelines defining the way in which you wish your rights to be exercised after your death.
You are expressly informed that you also have a right to oppose the processing of your personal data for legitimate reasons, and a right to oppose the use of these data for commercial prospecting purposes.
To exercise your rights, please send us a return via the email address : [email protected] or via the RIGHTS EXERCISE FORM, specifying the identity of the data controller, your identity and the trade show in which you took part.
If we need to correspond with you, we will write to you at [email protected].
We ensure the security of your personal data by implementing enhanced data protection measures through the use of physical, software, and organizational security solutions, including:
- Video surveillance of premises
- Physical access control to premises
- Access control to Information Systems
- Cybersecurity program – a dedicated service responsible for implementing the Information Systems Security Policy and the Security Assurance Plan of the GL events group
- Raising employee awareness of personal data protection, cybersecurity, and fraud risks
4 - GTU (General Terms of Use)
When they are in capitalised form, the terms below have the following definitions:
- Administrator: person, department or company responsible for administering the Website, running it and implementing the resources required for it to function, acting on the instructions of
the Editor. - Content: all information, items and/or media in whatever format, intended to be published on the Website.
- Company: the company identified as the publisher of the Website in the legal terms of the Website.
- Exhibition: trade fair organised by the Editor.
- Operation: maintenance of the Website in operational condition.
- Incident: unplanned interruption or deterioration in the quality of a computer service provided online on the Website.
- Parties: refers to all of the Users of the Website and the Editor.
- Services: all of the services put online by the Editor for users by means of the Website.
- Website: all of the structured documents called “web pages” comprising content of various kinds and in various formats (text, images, sound, video etc.) run by software packages and stored on a server connected to the internet, representing the technical medium of the URL above-mentioned in the legal terms above.
- User: any natural person legitimately connected to the Website.
The purpose of these “General Terms of Use” (hereinafter the “GTU”) is to define the conditions under which all Users can use the Services provided by the Editor by means of the Website.
These GTU apply to all Users of the Website.
The GTU may be modified by the Editor whenever it deems it to be necessary, which all Users expressly accept in advance. The Editor puts online and makes available any new version of the GTU.
- Form of proof
In their relations, the Parties undertake to correspond by means of email, except in special cases where it is necessary to send a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. All messages sent by email constitute an acceptable form of proof for establishing any facts, acts and actions of each of the Parties.
- Limitation of liability
The User is not granted any limitation of liability or guarantee in respect of breaches of any of its contractual obligations.
Consequently, the User is liable for any damage, including direct, consequential, resultant, special, incidental, physical and/or non-pecuniary, material and/or non-material damage that it may cause to the Editor, Users or third parties due to using the Services or connecting to the Website.
The Editor implements the best means to make sure the Contents are accurate. Nevertheless, it is the Users’ responsibility to check the accuracy of the Contents.
In case of inaccuracy of the Contents, the Editor cannot incur liability on this account or owe any compensation to Users.
- Non-waiver
The fact that the Editor does not require performance of any of the clauses of the GTU or tacitly accepts non-performance of a clause either permanently or temporary, cannot be deemed to be a waiver by the Editor of its entitlements under the aforementioned clause or its subsequent performance.
- Breach of GTU
Any use of the Website and its functions contrary to their purpose and aim, is strictly forbidden and constitutes a breach of these GTU.
The Editor holds all of the rights of use, display, operation, reproduction, representation, adaptation and translation for all of the elements that comprise the Website, including the graphic charters, titles, Website maps, texts, articles, analyses and writing, pictures, videos, images, logos and marks or any other informational and/or downloadable content put online by the Editor.
The Website and its Content are protected by French copyright law and related rights (Articles L.122-4 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code) which prohibit the reproduction in whole or in part of these various constituent elements without the consent of the Editor.
The User undertakes to respect the copyrights, trademark rights and database producer’s rights held by the Editor; it acknowledges that the databases created by the Editor are its sole property.
the Editor only grants to the User a right to the private and non-exclusive use of the Content and an authorization to reproduce the Content in a digital format on the computer that is used for the consultation of the Website for the exclusive purpose of displaying web pages consulted by using internet browser.
The User shall refrain from transferring or granting information obtained from the Website and shall refrain creating any derivative works based on the Content of the Website.
The Website and its components constitute a copyright work under intellectual property law. Any representation, reproduction, modification, transmission, translation or in general any use of the Website and its technical or graphical components are strictly forbidden without the prior authorisation of the Editor.
Provision of the Services does not involve any transfer or granting of any intellectual property rights, apart from the right for the User to use the Services provided online on the Website by the Editor, within the limits specified herein.
Any full or partial reproduction of any of these elements without the prior written authorisation of the Editor is strictly prohibited. Any breach of this clause will constitute an infringing act and might result in legal action against the Users, in accordance with the regulation and legislation in force.
The use of hyperlinks about and referring to the Website without the prior written authorisation of the Editor is also strictly prohibited. The User can obtain an authorisation by an email addressed to the Administrator.
As the information provided by the User is necessary for the Website to be optimised and for the Services to be well executed, the User commits to provide accurate information when he uses the Services.
The User commits not to create a fake identity which could mislead the Administrator or third parties.
The Editor provides, by the Website, the following services to the User:
- Consultation of contents and various information;
- Use of transactional features: orders of pass/badges for the Exhibition notably, activation of invitations. These transactional features are subject to specific terms.
To use the Website and its functions appropriately, the User must use softwares regularly updated
The pages of the Website are responsive and therefore adapt to all definitions, but a screen with a minimum definition of 1280 x 1024 pixels is recommended.
The Administrator cannot guarantee the transfer, storage or printing of the information put online on the Website from or to the User’s system or workstation.
The Administrator will endeavour to deploy proven technical systems likely to provide the required functions of the Website. Nevertheless, the Editor does not have any duty towards the User to achieve a given result in this regard, in respect of the security and permanence of the information put online, in particular due firstly to the uncertainties linked to the use and functioning of open networks such as the internet, and secondly to the technical intervention of an online payment service provider.
In order to meet Users’ needs and to improve the functioning of the Website, the Editor may upgrade its functions.
The functioning of the Website may be momentarily interrupted by decision of the Administrator for maintenance or security reasons. No interruption or slowdown in the functioning of the Website can result in a claim of any kind whatsoever, or in particular in compensation, particularly in the event of loss of connection, data or information of any kind whatsoever.
Information concerning use of the Website by Users may result in the use of cookies, to make it possible to adapt its functions to Users’ requirements more effectively and to optimise browsing on the Website. All Users can disable cookies on their computer by selecting the appropriate option in their browser.
The Users undertake to use the Website and its functions without attempting to bypass the security and protective technical systems. They undertake not to disrupt or paralyse its functioning.
Users who are recognised as responsible for infecting all or part of the Website with viruses, worms, Trojan horses, logic bombs or any other disruptive technical system, undertake to accept all of the consequences, and in particular the financial consequences, with regard to the Editor or any third party victim.
In the event of wrongdoing, misconduct or fraudulent or unlawful use by it of the Website, the User undertakes to compensate the Editor for any loss that it suffers as a result.
Any use of the Website and its functions contrary to their purpose and aim is strictly forbidden and constitutes a breach of these GTU, and as such is liable to result in a temporary or permanent interruption of the Subscription, at the discretion of the Editor.
The Editor can decide to block the dissemination or delete any Content put online by the User that infringes:
- French laws and regulations, international treaties, or good conduct;
- the smooth functioning of the Website;
- the legitimate interests of the other Users, Visitors or third parties;
- the image, reputation and interests of the Editor and its shareholders, subsidiaries, partners and customers.
The Editor cannot incur liability on this account or owe any compensation to Users.
In order to be processed, all complaints concerning the functioning of the Website, its content or any other matters must be sent by email and by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Editor. Complaints will not be considered unless the person making the complaint is duly identified and their contact details are provided.
No direct or consequential injury, and in particular no commercial or financial loss (of turnover, gross margin or opportunity), or damage to image can be compensated by the Editor.
In accordance with the principle of business confidentiality, the Parties undertake to show the greatest discretion regarding any information concerning the organisation of the online Services, the content of the Website and their online relations.
Any disagreements regarding the interpretation and/or performance of these GTU must, as far as possible, be settled by amicable agreement between the Parties, which the Editor shall endeavour to encourage.
If an amicable solution is not found within a deadline of 30 calendar days, the Parties shall be entitled to refer the matter to the competent courts.
By mutual agreement between the Parties, this provision does not forbid the instigation of any urgent, ex parte or summary proceedings.
The GTU are governed by French law regardless of the nationality of the User.
They are to be read, understood and interpreted in French.