Cultivate our wellbeing
This garden cannot be understood at a single glance. Moving from one zone to another stirs the emotions as new, breath-taking ambiances appear. It creates unforgettable memories. Its composition arouses a host of pleasant feelings. It is an invitation to visitors to relax, under a tree, close to water, in bushes or a birch forest cool down, contemplate and find individual happiness.
The layout of the “Cultivate our well-being garden” encourages dawdling in each planted patch of the garden to savour life’s pleasures – and particularly good food. For once, visitors have time to contemplate, to dream about a place more fertile in new ideas, living better closer to nature.
The garden is composed of various zones: a compass under the statue, a zone with a fountain for relaxation and sharing, a zone for resting, a connected “NOOKA SPACE” office, a barbecue space with its own kitchen garden and a dinner table, the whole sublimated by beautiful lighting.
What makes your garden a garden for lovers of (the good things in) life?
I observe that in our messed up society everything goes too quickly and people are moving further and further away from what remains essential for wellbeing - nature and what it can provide. This garden promotes the reflex to get back to basics, to Mother Earth. Nature has accompanied mankind from the earliest times and always given the best of what it has to offer. Bee hives and kitchen gardens bear witness to nature’s generosity. Kitchen gardens bear the fruit of the Earth and the bees contribute to their sustainability.
I have a dream. In this garden let us create together spaces for serenity, wellbeing and relaxation which express a continuous quest for sensitivity, the most appropriate answers and coherent and beautiful solutions. For me this garden expresses, awakens and stimulates all five senses in perfect harmony. There are always dreams, emotions and beauty. It makes it possible to experience multi-sensorial feelings.
This garden is also a work of art with the creation of a space of absolute wellbeing. I want to move visitors and transmit emotions to enable them to express themselves and expand their own visions. .
Alexandre KITTER
Benjamin CARREY
Julien FALCH
Stéphane FRITSCH
+33 6 27 44 39 66
SN Muller Paysages